在北美商店中,萬事達卡使用者80%以上不需簽名, 在美國刷過卡的人應該都有一個經驗, 外國人根本看不懂中文簽名, 隨便簽都能過, 有些信用卡上面有印照片, 但大頭照與本人實際對照, 雖說不會差太遠, 但換了髮型,其實辨識度也不高。 所以這種臨櫃防偽其實沒有太大功用。 近年手機支付興起, 分食信用卡大餅, 出門還要帶錢包信用卡, 對消費者而言, 反變成累贅。 2017年底信用卡支付終於多了這項改變, 還不算太晚。 新聞片段 ─ " Beyond what you see and experience at checkout, there is behind the scenes technology at work every second of every day to protect every transaction. Mastercard has a long history of innovation and investments in all layers of security . Recently we introduced an Early Detection System to help financial institutions proactively and quickly pre-empt serious attacks. This new service provides issuers with a unique advanced alert for cards and accounts at a heightened risk of fraudulent use based on their exposure in security incidents or data breaches." 刷卡過程中有許多我們人眼未見的保護機制, 萬事達卡將引進早期偵測系統,幫助防範惡意盜刷。 有趣單字: in all layers of security - 各層安全把關,英文裡面真的是用layers。 "While security remains paramount, we know that convenience is also a larg...