資料整理自Create網站 German早期原本想做攝影,特別喜歡人體肖像,但大學僅提供兩門攝影課程,於是轉向插畫,發現插畫領域讓他能挖掘更多肖像的可能性。 他的創作過程 "Gonzalez himself has no shortage of creative heroes. He’s inspired by movie directors Sofia Coppola, Christopher Nolan, and Wes Anderson—one of several subjects he captured in a series of filmmakers commissioned by Bacánika. Rather than rattle off a list of well-known painters and illustrators he admires, he cites contemporaries including James Jean, Sachin Teng, and David de las Heras, all of whom have a penchant for warm colors and a painterly approach that wanders the territory between anime and photorealism." 有趣單字 1. ......where his illustrations of Little Red Riding Hood and Edgar Allen Poe quickly garnered the attention of art directors. garner n.穀倉 v.囊括 儲存 2. has no shortage of 不缺 3. rattle off 嘎嘎作響 rattle霸王鞭 4. have a penchant for 喜好 嗜好 5. wanders the territory between 6. anime 動漫